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Classic Distance Reiki (45 minutes)


“Reiki is wisdom and truth.”

-Hawayo Takata, Japanese Master Reiki practitioner

This calming and healing session starts with a quick call (15 mins) to talk about what we’d like to accomplish during our time together.

Afterwards, you lie down and relax during the 30-minute session, after which our time together is over and you are free to go about your day.

Reiki is energy-based and not time-based, so it can also be sent ahead to important dates like surgeries or back to help heal past traumas. Let your practitioner know if these services could be of interest to you.

Reiki can also be sent to your pets, because our furry friends need relaxation and balance too.

Intuitive Distance Reiki (60-75 minutes)


“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

-Albert Einstein, German theoretical physicist

This session has all the relaxation and healing of classic Reiki, enriched by the intuition and channeling of the Shaman-practitioner who connects to Universal wisdom.

Your time together begins with a call to connect and establish a focus for the session (15 mins).

Next, a 30-minute Reiki session, and then a second call (15-30 mins) to share and interpret any pertinent messages received by the practitioner.

When doing Intuitive Reiki for a pet, the practitioner will tune into Universal wisdom to receive helpful information about your furry friend.

Notes or an audio recording of this information will be sent after the session.

Reiki-based Chakra Cleansing and Rebalancing (60 minutes)


“Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony.”

-Thomas Merton, American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet and social activist 

This session is designed specifically to address and correct any energetic blocks in the chakras to help energy flow freely. Simultaneously, you will also receive the healing and relaxing energy of Reiki.

Clearing and rebalancing the chakras is always beneficial, but can be especially helpful before big events such as surgeries, exams, interviews or significant transitions like marriages, job changes or births. Bring the chakras back into alignment can also help with aches and pains and aid in increasing concentration and focus.

Your time together begins with a call to connect and establish a focus for the session (10-15 mins).

Next, a 30-minute Reiki session, and then a second call (15-30 mins) to share and interpret any pertinent messages received during the session.

Classic Distance Reiki Three-Pack (for you or your pets)


Intuitive Distance Reiki Three-Pack (for you or your pets)


“Reiki brings safety, peace, comfort and well-being. Why wouldn’t we want to share that with our animals?”

-Kathleen Prasad, author and founder of Animal Reiki Source

“I asked Sylva to do a reiki session on my Golden Retriever, Marley, to identify any energetic blocks or energy that he may have absorbed from me. He’s always had a big appetite but at that time had no physical problems. Near the end of the session, Sylva noticed a change in his energy which she said was a block in his stomach. After two weeks, Mary started to show gastro-intestinal problems that we have now addressed with his veterinarian. The session with Sylva was quite helpful for identifying the problem ahead of time. I would recommend that everyone with a pet do a session with her to contribute to the wellbeing of their animal friend.”

-Monica Vecchi, Italy

ready for positive change?

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Shamanic And Other Services

Connect With Your Animal Guide (60 minutes)


“Health is an intuitive perception of the universe and all its inhabitants as being of one fabric. Health is maintaining communication with the animals and plants and minerals and stars.”

-Jeanne Achterberg, American psychologist

Right now as you read this, there is an animal guide waiting to accompany you in your journey of life. You’ve just got to say yes to their offer to connect with you!

According to shamans the world ’round, every person is accompanied by one or more animal guides during the course of their life. Each offers protection, transformation and help with the tumultuous and beautiful rollercoaster that is life.

Join me on a 60-minute journey, meditation and exploration to find your powerful spirit animal.

Dance With Your Animal Guide (45 minutes)


“Our Soul Allies light the fire in those initial visits, but it’s up to us to keep it burning.”

-S. Kelley Harrel, author and modern shaman

Your relationship with your animal guide is that of a friend: with time and consistency, it becomes richer and fuller. Meeting regularly with your animal guide will enrich your relationship more than you can imagine, giving you more access to support, wisdom, power and courage.

Let me accompany you on this 45-minute journey to reconnect with the wildness and wisdom inside of you thanks to the connection you have with your animal guide.

NOTE: This session is only available to those who have already met their animal guides in the Connect With Your Animal Guide session.

Tree of Life Sessions (60 minutes)


“Scientists say human beings are made of atoms, but a little bird told me we are also made of stories.”

-Eduardo Galeano, Uruguan journalist

Our stories are very powerful. We all tell ourselves stories about our limitations, our abilities and what’s possible for us. We are also told tales by our culture and our families. However, most of us never have the opportunity to stop and consider whether they are really true or not.

Narrative practices like Tree of Life are respectful, non-judging or blaming methods in which to re-tell and reframe these stories–anything from relationship problems to shame or life experiences as a member of an indigenous LGBTQ2S+ or other minority group.

Narrative practices can also be very affective for those who have suffered trauma as a means of integration, processing, and support. Tree of Life practice in particular is a way of “re-telling” your story through drawing. This creative therapy helps you identify your strengths, skills and support systems in a away that nourishes and doesn’t re-traumatize.

Earth-based Wisdom Through Tarot

(30 mins/$30 or 60 mins/$60)

“For me, tarot cards are a practical way of talking to the universe.”

-Toyah Willcox, English musician

Choose a half-hour or hour-long session in which to address a question or situation in your life with help from the Tarot.

During a video call together, you will be guided to ask questions of the Tarot, and Sylva will act as a guide to help you access the wisdom and clarity that is waiting for you.

S-Witch Path Tarot readings aren’t focused on ominous future predictions or fortune telling.

Instead, Tarot (and occasionally Oracle) cards are used as an enlightened and inspiring way to connect to our inner knowing and the highest versions of ourselves.

No situation is too big or small for a Tarot reading: channeling Universal Wisdom through the cards, we can look into anything from forks in the road, questions about love or money and advice about how to proceed in any situation.

COMING IN SEPTEMBER: The Magic, Medicine and Monthly

Paid subscribers will receive:

  • A monthly Tarot spread
  • Daily reflections to bring you closer to nature and your inner nature
  • Journaling prompts for animal/plant teacher of the month
  • 4 Sunday Witchuals (short but sweet spells, rituals and/or altar suggestions)

Pay-as-You-Can Monthly Group Healing Sessions

  • Feel stuck or a bit lost
  • Feel anxious or fearful
  • Need healing in any area of the body (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual)
  • Simply want to relax and find peace
  • Want to experience more everyday magic
  • Wish to reconnect or strengthen your connection with nature and its cycles
  • Want to feel a sense of community

Sharing in a community healing session with Sylva was a first! I haven’t done one virtually like that and she created such a space for support, soothing dynamics, and shifts in energy. Sometimes doing healing on our own or in a 1:1 manner can feel lonely. Yet, in this group healing work, I found a sisterhood that both held space for empowering vibes and echoed them. Thank you, Sylva, for this gift!


Sylva created a beautiful, soothing, and inspiring space during her group healing session. The flow of each part of the hour felt natural and helped me ground and go deeper into what we worked on. I also appreciate how she used different modalities, including writing, sound, and gentle movement, to guide us throughout the session. It was empowering to have a sense of community as we came together while still being able to keep anything we wanted private. I highly recommend Sylva’s guidance and work.



Group sessions will be one hour long with a short introduction and greeting at the beginning, followed by a shared experience (ie. a guided meditation, somatic activity or group energy healing) designed to bring more magic, healing and connection to yourselves and nature into your lives. At the end of the session, there will be a sharing circle for anyone who wishes to speak. 

I’d like to make these sessions as accessible as possible, so there is no set price–please pay as you can and as you feel moved to. I’ve decided the easiest way would be if you contribute to the “Appreciation Fund” that I set up to support my podcast (Wildly Optimistic, formerly called Live From Suckville). It takes me about 10 hours to lovingly produce each episode! :)

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Florescence: A journey of healing to your true self, alongside Mother Earth.

“From the perspective of a healer, illness is the result of imbalance. Imbalance is the result of forgetting who you are.”

-Barbara Ann Brennan, American author, spiritual healer, businesswoman and teacher

Join me on a one-on-one, personalized healing journey that will return you to nature, to your body, and to yourself. Taking place over three and a half months, Florescence includes intuitive healing sessions, channeled messages, accountability and support, and practical exercises to do at home and outside.

Transformational healing is just a season away.


“I recently had an intuitive distance Reiki session with Sylva and felt immediately comfortable in her warm, compassionate and intuitive presence. If you are seeking any kind of mind, body, or spirit healing, I could not recommend her services highly enough!”

-Lauren Ashley Minor, United States

“I was so blessed to win an animal guide journey with Silva in a recent giveaway. Because of her generosity, I had a smooth journey, and I learned from her what to be aware of and how each person’s experience can be different. I felt closer than I ever have been to the ‘lower world’ beyond the veil. And even though my experience was different than my initial expectation, I didn’t leave disappointed at all! Silva discussed the impressions I received and gave me specific information and next steps on contacting my animal guide. Silva is gracious, generous, and very open to meeting you wherever you’re at on your spiritual and healing journey.”

Julia King Boone, United States

“Sylva is a gifted healer as well as one of the most caring and in-tune people I have ever met. She is professional, thoughtful and able to immediately read a client’s body and energy to lead them to healing in a highly effective way. I opted for online sessions, which proved to be as effective and relaxing as the ones in person, thanks to Sylva’s commitment and ability to make you comfortable, safe and at ease, even from a distance. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her if you are looking for a qualified professional in this field.”

-Eva Ristori, Italy

“Highly recommend Sylva Florence’s Reiki services! She is very intuitive, insightful and caring. Can’t say enough positive things.”

-James Damman, United States

“Sylva created a safe and welcoming space for my first ever Reiki experience. It blew my mind how amazing it was. I came out of the session feeling calm and clear, and Sylva’s insights were revolutionary. I highly recommend working with Sylva.”

-Rosie Burrows, Australia 

“Sylva was very good at making it easy for a curious yet rational sceptic like myself to relax and let go. It was my first Reiki session ever, and I especially appreciated the pre-session part where she thoroughly explained how it all worked, making me feel safe and at ease. This helped me let my walls down and genuinely immerse myself in the experience. I loved it! I cannot recommend her enough, also because I was struggling with shoulder and neck pain. After our session, it felt so much better–kind of like I’d had a massage! I will definitely be back for more.”

-Sanja Kevric, Italy

“Sylva’s session had me going in “deep” before I went on a solo camping and spiritual trip. To say her healing session and the energetics we discovered together was perfectly-timed doesn’t even describe it well enough! She has a wealth of knowledge and holds space for all the divine work to take place! I cannot wait to work with her again and discover what paths I’ll continue to pursue with her wisdom and support!“

-Virginia James, United States

“I would not hesitate to recommend Sylva for Reiki and other services. Sylva’s intuitive nature and compassion for her clients is a winning combination. I felt restored and peaceful at the conclusion of our session.”

-Pamela Florence, United States

“I reached out to Sylva in a time of confusion. We decided to do an energy session which involved simultaneous meditation and a video call afterward to discuss what came up for Sylva regarding my situation with my family, my finances, and my thoughts/emotions surrounding those elements of my life. She talked to me about what sort of messages she received and then followed up with a thorough email about her interpretation of the messages, as well as things I could do myself to explore and improve my situation. She gave me great advice, journal prompts, and introduced some symbolic elements for me to look to for guidance. I feel that the takeaway from Sylva’s work is really valuable and she really puts her whole heart into helping you make sense of a situation.”

-Jessica Collins, Italy

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